20oct2002 Notes on transhumanity ONE Orality -> literacy -> ? This is the 2000 year view ? will fix the problems literacy has, in the same way lit fixed oral Oral problems: memory (almost solved with architecture, but that's too phatic. that was humanity's first attempt to solve) Lit prob: lookup, memebulletry. We try to fix it with hypertext and indexes ? will make that moot -- easy way to point at ideas rather than sentences And there's more abstraction. lit abstracts the ear/mouth of oral. ? will abstract the understanding bit of lit like, at the mo you can't get inbetween the True idea (in the brain) and the memebullet of it. but ? will put a breakpoint in there so it can be churned, indexes, contemplated, shared, multiply worked on were gestures the first shot at oral language? is the internet the first shot at the 3rd thing? there are three waves: - identifying the problems and getting around them with the current system - inventing a new system by putting together things that already exist. eg gestures before language, architecture before writing - make an enormous abstractive leap to create the thing. this also involves a physical change in humanity/society, eg language centres in the brain, or time investment to learn writing. so if we can (a) identify the problem and (b) try and see what of all the media around us is going to *become* the new system, then maybe (c) can deduced. i'm thinking maybe electronics in the brain, having it implanted as an analogue to learning writing. Later: i'm beginning to think we're actually quite early in writing. consider - it hasn't resulted in a physical change (yet) - it's still controlled by an elite (media, broadcast, etc) - the true promise of literacy is being able to offload and easily reference complex arguments, which is only just happening. google is the doorway to hyperliteracy. so maybe we're at the ideogram level of writing, hypertext will allow something so much more. and ? is a long way beyond that. also: to get ? there has to be pressure to form it. thinking about how quickly ideas mutate as they cross a society.. there's a maximum distance the horizons can be apart. orality wasn't sufficient to bond large empires, writing helped with that, and since writing history has been about *coming together*. maybe writing will only stop being good enough when humanity is up to galactic proportions. TWO social ladder functions a way of moving ethical ideas up from person to person to groups to society to the whole world methods of understanding socially THREE pre industrial -> industrial -> post industrial? artisans -> cogs in machines -> post industrial? this is the 200 year view of course there's going to be change, there's the system that the society operates and there's social lag. if a property of a society is "the thing it turns in to" then as social lag catches up, the property changes. so pre industrial produced industrial, and when social lag catches up in industrial society it must produce something else (it could produce itself, and so become static, but very unlikely) and society is coherant [very important metaphor, coherance] with the pre/in/post industrial thing. directions of responsibility, etc what will post industrial look like? industrial commodotises consumers, uses money money has a different purpose, to make the market spread everywhere. mass production isn't the important thing, money is perhaps... artisans working anywhere using money to all be in the same market, but no mass production